Getting a feel of minimalism
Pardon my use of the first person narrative. It was an experiment that probably turned out bad.
It is the sixth of august and I’ve just realized that I am not convinced with metroMe. I want to go minimalistic now. So the first thing I do is, Google “Minimalism”, no better way of starting something you have no idea of. Out of a zillion results, I play it safe by clicking the one from Wikipedia. I just skim over the article.
Back to Google, I type “Minimalist design websites”, press enter and am again greeted by a multitude of results, I skip over the top three to find “20 Inspiring Minimalist Web Designs”. That’s just what I need. Ctrl+Click on the link, Ctrl+Tab. Whistle while the article loads.
The article has links to 20 different websites with their screenshots, so you can decide for yourself. After checking out a few links and being convinced that I am not looking for anything like them, I find two could-come-in-handy sites, and as always, I bookmark them.
Scrolling down the same article, I find link to a seemingly similar article “19 Examples of Minimalistic Web Designs”, Couldn’t have asked for more. Without thinking for a second, I open it. And after going through some more links, I find this gem and It almost kills me. I know this is exactly what I want, Just know it.
Fifteen minutes in and I already have a homepage, not bad. Problem one solved. Which brings me to problem two: Where am I gonna put links to other sections of the site? The footer just seems unintuitive and I don’t want the traditional navigation bar design. This really is a problem and I am out of ideas. What’d I do?
Google. This time with a slight change of keywords “Minimalist web design”. I open an article called “Showcase of Super Clean Minimalist Web Designs”. The first link in the article solves the problem and I suddenly get a few ideas, I perfectly visualize them and am convinced that this is going somewhere.
That’s when I begin writing this article. And it takes me about an hour to write up till this very point. Writing is hard.